
ATLaS (Advanced Technologies for Landslides) is a research infrastructure (IR) included in the National Research Infrastructure Plan (PNIR) 2021-2027 of the Italian Ministry of Research and classified as a medium priority research infrastructure.

The ATLaS infrastructure develops advanced methodologies for the prevention and management of ground instabilities including outputs from leading-edge monitoring platforms and hazard forecasting models in a multi-scale perspective.

The ATLAS research infrastructure includes:

The Civil Protection center of the University of Florence is an operational structure of the National Service of Civil Protection (pursuant to Article 13 of the Civil Protection Code, D.Lgs. 1/2018). It was recognised as centre of competence of the Civil Protection Department by the Decree of the Head of the Civil Protection Department of 19 June 2018. 

The UNESCO Chair for Prevention and Sustainable Management of Geohydrological Hazards was established at the University of Florence in 2016. It is the first UNESCO Chair in Italy to focus on applied research in the field of geohydrological hazards.

The Department of Earth Sciences (DST) is a national excellence for scientific research and international relations in the field of Earth Sciences. The DST is one of the 180 departments of excellence in Italy selected by the Ministry of Research MUR for the quality of their research.

ATLaS is closely associated with the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL). The International Consortium of Landslides is a network of 89 research institutes from 34 countries and promotes landslide research for the benefit of society and the environment.

ATLaS has been recognized for seventh consecutive times as the World Center of Excellence on Landslide Risk Reduction (WCoE) for advanced monitoring technologies, earth observation data and landslide risk assessment models. The recognition has been awarded by the Global Promotion Committee of the International Program on Landslides (IPL) of ICL, which includes UNDRR as a member.

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